Friday, July 29, 2011

Does Food Really NEED to be Convenient?

The term 'fast-food' seems to have made many people feel like they NEED to have food NOW.  You can tell because of the way that customers treat those working in the food industry.  "Why isn't my food ready yet?!  I have been waiting so long (10 minutes!!)" 

I have found myself feeling like I was starving at a fastfood place that I was wondering what was taking so long with preparing for my food.  Well, unless you have a medical condition that requires needing food right away, like someone who needs it because their blood sugar is low, it's not like if food is not consumed right away that death will happen.  It may feel like you are going to die of starvation, but really??  This is the question that popped up in my mind today. 

I felt that way today when I did not get lunch right away.  In fact, I was able to live throughout my hunger pangs (which did not last that long) to go to the grocery store and grab something.   I am now at 6:00ish cooking for lunch and dinner, also known as food.   I didn't die because I skipped a meal.  Not eating at a certain time helped me to realize that all I am is hungry (my stomach is warm when I'm actually hungry so that's how I knew I was hungry).  I feel starving sometimes, but am I really starving?  I was complaining to my hubby that I really wanted Dairy Queen last night.  Well, we can't afford extra treats like that right now, and I asked myself if I really needed it.  There is a new blizzard out called the Tripaholic Chocolate Blizzard. 

It looks amazing and I have been craving it since last week, but do I really need it??  In reality, that blizzard could cost my family and I to be without food that we need at home currently, even the smallest blizzard to buy.  So, today, instead of going to a burger joint and getting ice cream I went to the store and grabbed hamburger buns, sweet potato fries (for me) and regular fries (for my hubby), imitation crabmeat, butter, low-calorie brownie ice cream with something different to drink than water and milk of .69 soda, one for each of us.  I managed to stay under budget, spending only $22.00.  We all ready had beef from the last time we went to the store, otherwise it probably would have come to $35.00. 

--The din din as featured in the above picture--

What I learned today about the reality vs. my feelings led me to think about Jamaica and when I was there.  I will show pics down below :) 

There, I found people not needing a lot as we Americans say we do.  I am including myself as one of those Americans in this.  I was keeping a lot of clothes that I didn't need over the years, and as of consequence, they kept piling up space that my husband and I need for clothes that we actually wear, not occasionally wear, etc.  Anyway, I wound up taking a suitcase filled with clothes that I really didn't need for the purpose of giving it to people who really did need clothes, something to cover them from the heat, cold rainstorms, etc. 

This building was hit by a huge storm...I believe a hurricane, but it put a lot of people to be without a home.

This really hit me and I wondered why I kept insisting that I keep the clothes I acquired over the years just like I kept insisting on getting that Dairy Queen blizzard, but did I really need it--no, I didn't.  And going to the grocery store instead of through a burger joint today helped save us money, saved me calories, and fit with what our family needs right now, more meals for the week.  When I was in Jamaica I found that I could be hungry by skipping a meal or two because I needed to save a couple of meals for another day where I actually needed money for food on that different day.  Everything you would need is there in Jamaica in the jungle--protein, carbs, fat, fiber, and all for the vitamins and minerals. 

This is a picture of bananas that were out in the open from the main road. 

There was one day where I was feeling dehydrated.  For some reason I was craving coconut juice while I was dehydrated and so I got a coconut to drink the juice out of and it actually hydrated me.  It was an amazing find.   

Another cool find was bun and cheese.  It's literally a sweet spiced bun with velveeta-like cheese in the middle.  It was very good mon :) 

And as I am thinking back to Jamaica I really didn't need a lot of portions to survive in the jungle, in the rough.  I could have a plate full of breakfast food with coffee and condensed milk as half/half, no sugar, and chicken/pork/fish for dinner with rice.  And fruits for snacks, such as a mango as well as plenty of liquids including fruit juices of mango berry or flavored water like aloe water (tastes like water with gummy candy in it). 

It was the life, mon!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Beginning...Again.

Hello all! 

Let me just be frank--losing weight is a long....difficult process.  I lost 30 lbs a couple of years ago when I was in a weight loss program, but as my husband and I moved away to the other side of the states (Nebraska to Pennsylvania), I slowly got out of my routine and was getting sick of counting calories and being obsessed with my weight, and depressed with how far I was from my goal weight of 125.  Well, I slowly gained weight back after that and got back to the weight I started with: 225.0, 100 pounds greater than where I need to be for my height and weight and body type.  Since then, I have been struggling with losing weight again.  And when I lost weight before, I was at 190.0.  It has been sad remembering when I could fit into smaller jeans, skirts, and clothes were a little more baggy. 

Now, I am slowly crawling back to counting calories even though I would rather not, however, counting calories is actually what works for me to lose the weight I need.  I am slowly planning on a workout routine too.  Before, I was up from 30 minutes to 2 hours of eliptical, running/walking intervals, and lifting weights.  One time I worked out until I burned 800 calories (2 hours of eliptical and running/walking)....I just barely have motivation to go exercise right now.  But, I am trying to kick myself back into gear.  When I get home from work I think about relaxing.  And when I am at work I think about working out.  It's a weird cycle.  And then when I do have a routine I have a hard time following through with it on a continual basis.  It's a question I have been trying to answer.  ha ha thinking about it is my downfall rather than just doing it.  I am hoping that doing a blog will help motivate me.  And maybe I can inspire others who are also struggling with weightloss. 

So if anybody who reads this has ideas on how to make working out/eating lower calories more fun I would greatly appreciate the feedback. 

Plan to start again:

Counting calories using this: my Vida One application

more fiber

drinking Oolong tea (it increases your metabolism immediately)  I got it for $3 at our local grocery store rather than the $190 that I can't afford on-line :p

eating less portions

getting up earlier and slowly heading to the gym (maybe dress myself in my workout clothes with shoes to sleep in that I will wake up clothed for working out ha ha)

Finding other activities to do than eating more food

Find a local exercise group that gets together just to exercise at no cost because right now my husband and I can not afford much less to pay for exercise or training.  I do hope to work with a trainer in the future though.

Find a way to make working out more, beautiful setting, hiking?

I hate running right now, but I want to do it again.

...When I did get exercise recently, it was spent walking to take the train, walking the streets of Philly and New York City as you can see below: me with my hubby :)  I think we walked at least 7 miles in New York, not to mention that it was hot!  So, I definitely think we burned a ton of calories.  My clothes felt loose.

Because it was so hot, I stopped to cool off.  :)

And I was fortunate to feel some breeze while on the way to say hi to Lady Liberty :) 

Until next time ;)