Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Falling in Fall

I have noticed a theme for me this season.  I am a very symbolic deep thinker and life affects me very deeply.  Lately I have been thinking about how the fall reflects how it's okay to fall because if you look outside, the trees aren't criticizing each other or themselves for falling, so why should we?  It really is beautiful to fall.  Every leaf changes different colors too as each falls from a tree branch, especially out here, as you can see below:

Falling helps you to rise up again because that is the only direction you can go after you have fallen.  You can't go down anymore.  When you fall you also can find that you are grounded--you have something stable to fall on.  For the leaves, when they fall they fall on the ground. 

This is a reason that I have fallen in love with falling in the fall because as I fail time and time again or feel out of reach or when I want to spring up to the sky rather than fall to the ground, God has reminded me that I am not alone.  Others around me have fallen too.  I am not the only one who has fallen to the ground.  We each change differently from the fallings, like the leaves change different colors.  We may feel like nobody else will understand, but if you look around of those around you you may find that you have a lot more in common with each of your falls.

Last week I have fallen over and over again.  My practicum was scary for me because I really am starting out new with fresh ideas and not knowing if they are going to be successful with people in my music therapy sessions.  This week I have been recognizing how my failings (not playing the music therapeutically for the clients to connect to) has helped me to grow.  From that failure I can learn to play it with structure that connects to the clients, instead of to impress as I tend to do when I have a performance mind-set.  Therapy and Performance are very different.  I am learning how to be more therapeutically-minded and how to integrate performance with my authentic self when I perform for me (outside of sessions), rather than trying to impress those listening to me perform. 

With exercise, I am finding that I fell hard when I stopped exercising or didn't have a plan on how to incorporate exercise.  Exercise really helps me to feel good about myself and builds my confidence.  It also is a good time for me to study, let go of stress by talking with God, and see how far my body can be challenged physically just a little more than the last time.  I have all ready been noticing a difference since I have accepted what exercise means to me, that I am doing it for me.  Falling helped me to see that.  Falling helped me to force myself to see why I stopped exercising and why I need to do it for me and what I need from it. 

Getting up earlier to exercise may not feel good, but I need it for me!

Here's some pictures of my 5k training so far.  I have really thought long about entering a 5k and it always scares me to think about actually doing it because I never imagined that I would be heading in this direction.  Since training I have learned that I don't have to run or walk at the same pace.  I can change pace each time that I walk or jog.  For example, this last time when I walked 2 minutes and then jogged 2.5 minutes 6X, I broke it up in half that I would read a little for class and watch TV at other times, or read during commercials and watch TV so I could laugh.  I do well walking/running when I am distracted through reading for class, watching something that makes me laugh, or just talking with God, and organizing my thoughts.  So, when I do a 5k I think it would be good for me to compile a playlist, or maybe listen to an audiobook that helps me to concentrate on something interesting.  If you have done a 5k how do you focus until completion of the walk/run?

Ha ha I actually did more than 30 minutes as this pic was taken after I paused it when I completed my training for the day.

Most interesting food I ate recently: sweet & sour gummy worms with milk ( I am going to start featuring this in my blog because I don't have time to show everything I eat as I have one camera that you have to connect to the computer with, I spend time looking for the camera and cords, downloading, and then saving the pictures I want)--I would much rather spend that extra time with the camera stuff in hanging out with people, practicing, or playing a game.

Welp, I am off to practice guitar, prepare for a session tomorrow, investigate my profile...I have a lot to complete :)

Have a good night!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Post coming soon!

Hey all,

   Currently, I am on week 3, day 2 of walk/run 5k training.  After weighing myself before running and seeing that I gained 3 lbs over-night of gluten-free consumptions, I ran 30 minutes of 3 minute walk, 2min jog 6X. I also happened to get it in after work and right before class.  With 10 minutes to spare after my completed work-out, I drove from the fitness room to class and made it!  I felt amazing, strong, and light on my feet!

 I find that the times that motivate me the most to workout harder are the times when reality starts to set in place--the unwanted reality of gaining a tremendous amount of weight from not sticking with my workout regiment regularly and eating with balance.  The signals: pants get tighter in certain areas, bloating feeling constantly takes place, and appetite for healthier food diminshes, as well as a great lack of drinking 8 glasses of water per day and fatigue.  Anybody else find this motivates you?

New post to come soon with updated pics and workout, etc.