Sunday, September 18, 2011

So much homework!!

Hey all,

   So like I said in the last post.  I still have to finish out my first workout team goal of the 28-day bootcamp and then I am tackling the couch to 5k.  I don't know if I will make it through, but I am sure going to try. 

Meanwhile, I am going to spend most of this weekend catching up on my reading for school. I have a lot!  But, I am happy that I actually am interested in what I am reading for a change.  Psychology is a very fascinating subject for me: why do people do the things they do?  Why do they react that way?  Why did that driver give me an inappropriate hand signal like I was driving too fast when he was demanding my husband and I get over in another lane, so he could get in front of us.  I am serious.  Drivers here in PA are very backwards.  Many of them are anyway.  This driver wanted us to get out of his way and I don't think he was a cop or private investigator, but he could have caused an accident.  And from the reactions he was making towards us like we were the crazy ones, I instantly was wondering why he was reacting the way he was.  What could have made him so upset and act so irrationally?  Do you have any driving stories like this?  I want to hear it. 

I'm thinking that maybe my reading will help me come up with ideas to answer my own questions:

Clinical insight

A psychoanalytic approach

Standard deviation or normal distribution applications to life questions

Psychodynamic focus

 A categorization of finding why on the surface and why at a deeper level.  And finding through a case-by-case basis.
This book is a result of my cat's impatience for food.  While I was sound asleep one morning he decided to snack on my music therapy guitar songbook.  Yuki is serious when it comes to food (he is our youngest cat pictured above begging for my attention while I worked out).  I don't even need an alarm clock because he will keep on meowing until I wake up or tearing up and biting on paper until I get up out of bed. 

Our other cat, William, likes to lay around and look cute so he can get food too.  They each have their own way of charming us to give them food.  Yuki meows 'mom' sounding meows or barks like a dog and William meows at an impressive high pitch and begs like a dog.  Here's a pic of William looking cute:

And, I am off to get some reading done!  Until next time :)

Have a fabulous weekend and stay warm.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Losing Weight by Starting from the Inside

Good mid-afternoon,
     I hope you all are having a relaxing Friday or at least planning to relax.  I am counting my blessings that I get to relax a little bit watching some tuneage, blogging, getting some studying done, getting activities together & homework assignments ready for my students, and planning and setting goals for my workout routine. 

I have shared on here how important routine has become for me.  It brings a normalcy that you can always come back to.  Getting there can be tricky, but I think that is another reason why exercise and eating proportionately are very important in lifestyle.  I love this time right now because I get to reflect on what values are most important to me and regroup my priorities and/or my focus so I can reach goals little by little. 

Like this: this is my new favorite drink and I found it for 100 calories :)

This is my new favorite salad and snack too (thanks to Krista)

Routine is something I struggle with and I think it's the main reason why I have constantly struggled with losing weight.  If I take it day by day making it a routine instead of spontaneously deciding what I want to do I feel more centered.  I am pretty spontaneous and I have recognized how spontaneity can be a bad thing for me that if I don't have a routine and merely make decisions on exercising by spontaneity then it will not happen and it will make me feel worse off.  Has anybody else seen the conflict of spontaneity vs. routine?  Spontaneity is great I think if you have a routine that you can get back into, your normalcy.  Finding that routine can be challenging if you are a spontaneous person by nature, I think as well.  So, there seems to be a process of finding that balance, for me, at least. 

 I want to recently update you on what I have been up to: 

Working out while Yuki was trying to get my attention: future example of what it's going to be like to be a mom--I think so :)

 I love working out at home.  This night was great because it was raining outside while I was sweating it up.  Check it out:

I got my workout from  It's a great site for people with goals in mind that work together to accomplish their personal goals.  Mine is to lose weight.

(1) I have recently reached my last week of 28-day bootcamp (sparkpeople) and am planning to start another workout regiment of running and lifting weights.  We'll see how it goes.  I am not going to set expectations except for doing it :)  The couch to 5k is something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but could not follow through with it at first because I realized that I had to lose weight on the inside first. So, some of that weight to come off was an unforgiveness.  I had to forgive by saying " I forgive you" each time something hurtful would come up in my mind.  It is really freeing.  I feel like I have lost weight on the inside and it's not as frustrating or angering to see me fall behind my goal.   It's like forgiving has helped me to become more patient with myself.  I am sure I will have those days that are really hard to see the reality of my weight compared to my goal, but I am enjoying the peace and contentment I have today of what God has done for me.  When I try to do it all on my own I get impatient with myself.  When I look at what Christ did for me I am strengthened.  Suffering produces perservance and endurance.  I think this is why I want to run.  I want to experience the physical suffering of disciplining my body to take the struggle with losing weight.  For those of you readers who have a relationship with God I ask that you pray for me that I will continue to endure the hardship of running when it gets really grueling.  I want to be able to say that I did that and turn the crown of glory over to our Father in Heaven who graciously gives us strength to endure. 

I really want to run a 5k some day and then maybe a triathlon.  When I was little I was very active.  I remember bicycling to the swimming pool to swimming all day and back to bicycling home.  That was an all day event.  I miss that amount of activity.  Granted becoming older means that I will not have that much energy as I did when I was a little kid and the reality is that I have more responsibilities at home, but darn it I really want to get close to that.

This morning, I had a lesson for guitar and my husband had to use the car to get to work a lot earlier than my lesson, so I chose to walk to my lesson.  It's not that far, but I have a large guitar to carry.  Walking while carrying my guitar was my weight-lifting for the day.  Have any of you readers had to carry something really heavy to walk somewhere?  I was a little sad that I was so exhausted from walking to my school campus, mostly because I used to be able to be so energized as a kid walking.  I want that feeling again!  Have any of you got that feeling back?  Tell me your story.  I want to hear it!  Your story is inspiring to me :)

Please comment below to share your thoughts on here!  I want to hear from you!!  I am going to add another blog soon because I am in a blogging mood and have a lot more updates to add.  And i have a ton of pictures to share!

Catch ya later.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog to come soon!  I have been adjusting to my new school schedule and have not had a chance to upload pics and content.  Stay tuned!! ;)  @)}-,--'---