Friday, August 12, 2011

My Motivation

Hi to all reading my blog,

   It has been a while since I have updated.  I am going to try to be more consistent.  For now, I think I will try to update at least once a week.  My husband and I have had a lot of changes.  One: I had to quit my job because it was getting in the way of me focusing on school. And two, we are looking for another place to live for cheaper.  Anyway, with those changes, I have let other things get in the way of my exercise routine.  And that's okay with me right now.  I had to do some major cleaning of our apartment.  I have been tackling the kitchen and today I am going to tackle the bathroom by the end of the week.
 Something I have been learning is that what you have in life is a gift that it is necessary to take care of it before you are given more to take care of.  These are words of wisdom that I received from reading my Bible and reminded of from my close friends.  Thus, it's necessary to get rid of things you don't need. 

I am a packrat, but I am changing that because it makes things much less stressful living in a decluttered  environment, and I honestly don't need things that I don't need.  I have been getting rid of clothes and towels so far...

This leads me to my next thought: needing to take care of our bodies because our lives are gifts.  I believe that God has given us life to take care of it, to tend to it.  And this really has changed my perspective--God, who knows me and has created me, knew the struggles I would have with my weight and getting rid of other things, yet He still gave me life which is full of possibilities to try try again in all areas that I want to work on.  The great thing is that I am not alone on my journey.  I have God.  He is with me everywhere that I go.  This is encouragement that I am passing on to you who are asking God where He is.  I had a friend tell me recently that when I would go to Jamaica He would be there waiting for me, so like Jamaica, when I go to the gym or go for a walk/run He will be there waiting to go with me.  And when I think about the most memorable workouts I remember it as worship with my Heavenly Father.  It is motivation for me!  Now...if I can just keep remembering that ;)

I am also learning that with life you are required to fall but it is necessary to get back up again.  For me, I am lazy.  It takes it for me to rely on God and ask Him to help me to take care of myself.  I tend to take care of others more than myself.  Hence, I tend to put off exercise.  But that's okay with me.  It doesn't help to beat myself up about it, but to allow grace on myself by asking God to change my heart about it.  It's a consistency that I need to be disciplined in doing like staying on top of cleaning and getting rid of things we don't need.  It's just a part of life, part of the responsibility of having the gift of life.  This is starting to become my new perspective.

 Constantly processing: the challenges that I will face and that I will share with you on here take time to overcome.  It doesn't happen overnight, so in order to enjoy the process I need to enjoy the learning in the journey towards my goal of a hundred pounds lighter, but even then I will be excited to be at 170.  I honestly do not know when I was at that weight because I did not make a routine of weighing myself years and years ago. 

  Exercise Update: I have had opportunities to exercise in the past week.  On Sunday I went to Philly for a school obligation that I wound up walking a ton!  I not only walked in Philly to where I was going but I walked home from the train station near home, which is more than a mile--a great achievement for me! :)  And just looking outside now makes me want to be a part of the beauty, thinking about going out there and doing something like walking in the beautiful atmosphere to head to the gym to do 30 minutes of cardio and weight-lifting...but a big part of me wants to absorb the beauty as an observer taking in all the details in front of me.  And today, I chose to do that from my window. 

Apology about the randomness and unorganized thoughts.  This is another challenge I am trying to work on heh and I am enjoying the journey of that by trying trying again through blogging.  

...What are some challenges that you are facing and how are you trying to reach them? 

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